Tuesday, December 27, 2011

GHOST Bracket and Live Updates

GameVolution Holiday Online StarCraftII Tournament is commencing at 8pm tomorrow, December 28, 2011. Out of the 40 who initially registered, 4 players backed out and 36 are bracketed.

8:00 pm
default time 8:10 pm
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
Battlenoob vs. Zygus
TWSSmaruko vs. Blitz
xFgGerms vs. tFcProLagger
JackDReaper vs. kTevilbox
CubePsych vs. Ace
CubeDione vs. laijus
MskiDane vs. ReDerageD
CubeNothsur vs. PolkaDodge
HDChinkZMD vs. Freak
CubeRixilius vs. Shinigami
BEEzER vs. Heartz
eXoLynXer vs. WayBasketBay
CNcdoShanks vs. karahasan
Tiborsho vs. CarLoZ
CNDeadgirls vs. meatroll
CubeTanTaniX vs. pon
Battlenoob vs. AZKmokss
Freak vs. Shinigami
TWSSmaruko vs. CubeBy
xFgGerms vs. HDLightmanMD
kTevilbox vs. CNcdoPhaze
CubeDione vs. ReDerageD
HDChinZMD vs. CubeRixilius
eXoLynXer vs. karahasan
meatroll vs. CubeTanTaniX
laijus vs. MskiDane
pon vs. CNDeadgirls
CNcdoShanks vs. WayBasketBay
Zygus vs. HDLightmanMD
tFcProLagger vs. AZKmokss
Blitz vs. CNcdoPhaze
Ace vs. Battlenoob
CubeBy vs. CubeNothsur
xFgGerms vs. Heartz
CarloZ vs. KTevilbox
TWSSmaruko vs. JackDReaper
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
Battlenoob vs. CubeDione
CubePsych vs. tFcProLagger
PolkaDodge vs. TWSSmaruko
 Tiborsho vs. CNcdoPhaze
BEEzER vs. HDLightmanMD
CubeNothsur vs. WayBasketBay
eXoLynXer vs. xFgGerms
Ace vs. pon
KTevilbox vs. laijus
Heartz vs. Shinigami
CubeBy vs. CubeRixilius
CarLoZ vs. CubeTanTaniX
eXoLynXer vs. CubeTanTaniX
karahasan vs. PolkaDodge
meatroll vs. tFcProLagger
HDChinkZMD vs. HDLightmanMD
ReDerageD vs. CNcdoPhaze
CubeBy vs. CubeDione
CubeNothsur vs. HDChinkZMD
Ace vs. ReDerageD
PolkaDodge vs. Shinigami
KTevilbox vs. meatroll
CubeNothsur vs. CarLoZ
CubeBy vs. eXoLynXer
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
CubeRixilius vs. KTevilbox
Battlenoob vs. PolkaDodge
xFgGerms vs. ReDerageD
PolkaDodge vs. CubeRixilius
CubeNothsur vs. xFgGerms 
PolkaDodge vs. CubeTanTaniX
CubeNothsur vs. CubeDione
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
10 minutes after bracket change
CubeDione vs. PolkaDodge
PolkaDodge vs. eXoLynXer
CubeBy vs. PolkaDodge

Color code: dark blue- DEFAULT, light blue- WIN
(if there are any missed matches please don't hesitate to report to info@gamevolution.org)


Winners must email the replays to replay@gamevolution.org for your win to be validated and the bracket can be updated.
Failure to send the replay will be given a warning at first then an automatic disqualification on the second offense.

When saving the your replay, please enter both player's IGN as the file name.

Head Marshals: DeathScytheH, Rhazta and Gravity

Good Luck and Have Fun everyone!!!

For convenience, players are advised to view and refresh the bracket after each round.

Check out this post of live updates of the event and feel free to browse the rest of this blog for more information on Cebu E-Sports.

Player rankings

New and exciting changes await this 2012. Cebu E-Sports will finally be migrated to its permanent domain soon.
Keep posted and e-mail me at info@gamevolution.org for more information on how you can be part of the big change in both Defense of the Ancients and StarCraftII Cebu Scene.

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